Wednesday, September 8, 2010

What to hopefully expect if I ever get the time....

So, I just read my good friend Katie's blog, featured over in the right column over there, 2010 a Marriage Odyssey, where she used a list to go ahead and go through and talk about all of the things she's been wanting to say.  I don't really plan on doing that exactly, I thought that I might as well post a list of topics I'm dying to write about on here, and then whenever I do find the time to write, I won't have to sit around secretly chastising myself for forgetting.

1. An Education - a few things about the film, as well as the stupidity that allowed me to find the time to finally watch it.

2. Celebrity - My growth from a fanatical teen to an appreciative audience and why the former probably happened in the first place.

3. Briar Rose - Whenever I get around to it, if I still remember enough about the book to write about it thoughtfully and objectively, I will. If not, I'll just write about the other latest book I've read.

4..pending...I know there's other stuff I want to write about, I just can't think of it right now.

If this helps I may periodically edit this post, or just make new ones adding on to the list....I guess it depends on if I've written anything since or not. Oh well, back to work.


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