Monday, August 9, 2010

What makes me smile

I wanted to share this, but it's just slightly too long for a tweet, so here I am blogging. First of all, I won't disclose precisely what I do, because I don't know how much I'm supposed to talk about it, but I work with surveys more or less, for a website. The site itself doesn't have anything to do with film directly, but the survey does ask, "what is you favorite film?", in an attempt to define the character of the person in question. While, in the spirit of DeLillo, I don't know how effective it is to use these sorts of personality markers, or how healthy it is to perpetuate this sort of definition of character, as a film minor, I am usually very interested in what people write as their answer. The question also asks what your favorite film is, which is usually the part people tend to answer.  I've been noticing a great trend here in people putting really only recent films in their favorites. There will be the default classic like Casablanca every once in a while, but usually it's something from the last year or two. I can't quite place why that bothers me...It probably has to do with the fact that I don't really see it as a praise for more contemporary filmmaking, but as an honest and active inability to recognize and remember  the past. I am all for (like seriously adore) new forms of media and everything, so don't think I'm some kind of biased the-internet-is-making-society-dumb imbecile. I really just have a problem with us forgetting the past like it seriously never happened. You can't truly know the world, let alone the human race, if you ignore that kind of thing. I recently heard someone say that the Holocaust bothered them too much, so after high school they completely cut it out of their life. There is just so many things wrong with that kind of mentality that I'm not going to go into it right now. Anyway, the point of this post was not to complain, but actually say how thrilled I am that almost everyone who I've gotten in the last week or so who has answered the question of the last movie they enjoyed, answered Inception. When I watch a really good film, I always want to share it with people and talk about it, and I guess it just makes me happy that so many other people are enjoying it as I did. I usually have to defend the movies I love from people to a certain extent, so not really having to I guess just really makes me smile. Okay, I apologize, that was supposed to only be a few sentences long, but I got into that random tangent. I've got to get back to work, so cheers!

p.s. I do think that the types of movies someone likes does reflect their character, I just don't think it defines it.