Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Group Projects DO NOT work

This is a quote from one of my housemates to my rant yesterday about how I expected to get some real work done on my presentation with my group during our meeting, but didn't get anything done. I had my slides outlined and my pictures on my usb (though for some reason they weren't there) and one other girl had her slides done. The third party, however, was like 20 minutes late and didn't have anything done....and now tonight, when we finally emailed in our slides to one person and put it all together, that same person didn't do anything really how she was suppose to, and the presentation is tomorrow. There is always that one person who isn't quite on board. Work was done, I just wish we could have had more communication is all...or at least successful communication. I understand why we must have them, but yeah, group projects, even simple ones, are frustrating.

Okay, so I really wish that was written better...but oh well. I was just ranting. Now that that is over with, I need to write a critique on Pasolini's "Mamma Roma" (1962), practice my presentation some more and read some Joyce and some Morrison.

P.S. I constantly have stuff I want to write about, but by the time I get around to it, something has happened. That whole hope of being more focused on here this semester has really deflated. From here on out I will try to govern my time better and get stuff written.