Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Randomness While Sick

So, before I say anything else, Monday night television was delightful.  HIMYM was much better, though I don't know how I feel about this Don fellow,  and BBT was great as always.

Right now I am suppose to be at the bookstore working, but like many days lately, I'm feeling a bit sick and had to call out.  I took some medicine so I'm feeling much better though.  For the last hour or so I've just been hanging around online doing this and that....catching up on shows and what not...

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zxa6P73Awcg  <--Stephen Fry tweeted this earlier in the day.  amAZing!  The world never ceases with its wonder.  Thats why I love the phrase in my banner, "There's too much beauty to quit."  Its from This amazingly written and edited movie Stay.  ( no clue why I keep using amazing.)  The whole film really kind of is about beauty in a way.  I've been thinking a lot about this topic the last few days.  This, of course, being spurred by the fact that we're reading Virginia Woolf in Modern British Literature.  I love it....mainly though because I have always been so transfixed by beauty, both tragic and not.  Isn't it curious that, both Stay and a lot of Virginia Woolf's work, not to mention countless other works that talk about this beauty, are closely linked to suicide?  Is it that the artistic soul is just naturally depressed because of all of the sadness they perceive, or is the artistic soul just naturally a bit off its rocker to begin with?  Eh, who knows.  By the way, no need to worry.  I am not suicidal.  I might be a little paranoid and my  "mind is rather wreckless" , but that is all.  I just think the relationship is interesting.  I do like this last paragraph from The Unknown Virginia Woolf;  

"In 1941, it was the embodiment of Virginia which forced her decision.  She could not face being blown to bits.  The water was her friend ever since she was a child in Cornwall.  The water could be trusted.  The water was peace.  The water would receive her with the dignity that she felt she needed, and indeed, deserved" (Poole 279).

More to come probably on this subject later probably as I sit down to work on my paper on To The Lighthouse.  For now I must retreat back into A Thousand Acres and research on it so as to be prepared for my presentation on Monday.  

I will leave you with this, the last scene of The Hours, because I've been thinking of this movie over and over again while we've been reading Mrs. Dalloway and its just wunderbare.

(also this is an adorable homemade music video for Mraz' Sleeping to Dream if you want to watch it http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0274558/)


Sunday, November 15, 2009

Okay, so I feel like changing some stuff on here and becoming more active...I might be switching the name...or at least the banner. I've had this thing for a year now and it does not look exciting at all.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Tonight's HIMYM "The Rough Patch"

So, if you haven't watched How I Met Your Mother S5 E07 yet, then then you might not want to read the rest of this.

I don't know how to feel about the fact that Barney and Robin broke up. I think the idea of the episode was good, it just didn't necessarily translate as well to the screen. I feel like something that took two ish seasons to finally happen, should not be ended so quickly or so un-awesomely.

During the build up of the relationship, I was super into the idea of Robin and Barney. The mushy girl inside of me went all gooey anytime anything happened to bring the two together. There was this great tension there that just drew you in. Now, having said this, once they got together, it wasn't so exciting. They couldn't keep that same feeling there. I was really disappointed, but things did seem to be looking up. I figured after a few episodes they would really get the hang of writing for the couple. I think that is why I was so disappointed with this episode. I thought they had a lot more material left, and they just prematurely cut it all off. They didn't even give it any real build up or meaning like they normally do. While watching Robin and Ted together, you knew they didn't end up together, but their break up was still treated as this monumental thing.

So I guess when I say that I'm not sure what to think its because I don't know their meaning behind breaking them up. A big draw of the show was Barney's womanizer ways. If they felt that they were failing with writing the relationship and wanted to regain viewers that missed the old Barney, then I guess I could see it. Its disappointing, but understandable. Though, as we've seen, there is much more to Barney then what was previously assumed. They can't just take all of the progress he has made and throw it away just for ratings. I am hoping that they are using this episode to momentarily worry people and then slowly get them back together. They are both still somewhat flat characters, so maybe if they rounded them out a bit things a bit it'll work next time. Now that I think about it, that is what went wrong. They built up Barney's character last season, but flattened out Robin...We never really saw Robin's struggle with her feelings....so why are we to believe that she has them? When they got together, Barney was slowly flattened and Robin stayed the same. Its like they only wanted to use their relationship, as they have been with both characters lately, as a gimmick. I really hope they fix this, show some jealousy and show them wanting to get back together and all of that other jazz. If they don't, then I'll have to be forced to think that the writers are losing their touch, or at least are in a "rough patch" themselves. I just hope they get things back on track in time to bring in the mother and end the season. I would be really upset if they get themselves cancelled.

I hate saying any of this because How I Met Your Mother is one of my absolute favorite Television shows. I love the cast and I think the writers are skilled. I'm just not happy with this break up and needed to vent. Here's to hoping that the trouble Barney has next ep with dating after Robin is because he still loves her and is only pretending not to die inside!