Friday, April 16, 2010

Where Things Are

So, I haven't written in a while...this is because I have all of these ideas of where to take the blog...and every time I want to actually do something about it...I have a shiz-ton of homework to do. I graduate in about three weeks (ahh!) so I should have a lot more time after that. One thing though, that I might start doing, is taking the shows that I watch and comment on them as I watch them/rewatch them...These entrees will be rather long probably...and definitely full of Spoilers...but I think it might help me get focused and work on my analytical skills...especially now that I'm graduating and don't want to loose them....also I've got to actually do something with them. I don't know how much I'll do this with sitcoms...while a lot of them do have an overall story line they are following, you can't really be analytical...They tend to be a great deal more episodic...We'll see what happens though. Maybe they'll just have really short entrees.

Another thing I've been thinking about doing is a webcomic...I don't really know how this will pan out. I haven't practiced on my bamboo in a week or so...and I need to come up with a distinct style (that's easy to work with), characters, and a story line...I have ideas for books and things, but I really think I might keep those to myself for the simple fact that the internet is not the most trustworthy of mediums if you want to keep something for yourself...

Well, I have got to go...first episode might come tonight if I get time. I'm probably going back a week on Bones and rewatching The Parts of the Sum in the Whole (I think thats the title)...merely because I like it a lot and there is a lot to say about it. Okay, well I've got to go.


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